L'avenir transhumain des bactéries
dive in 2030
Future Chance pathogens
Fungus infections are set to rise in the future because of climate change. Today’s innocuous organisms might become tomorrow’s pathogens.
Microhack imagines a world where people voluntarily infect themselves with the fungus Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis to have a double impact, political and ecological.
n'ayez plus jamais de
coups de mou
un design élégant, parfait pour le bureau
des bactéries sur-mesure, adaptées à votre adn
The collect
Collect the ascospores from the dying ant. 
The germination
Using a microinjector, insert the spores in the main part of the microhack bioreactor. The ascospores will germinate in 24 hours at 37.8 degrees.
the preparation
A biofilm from the scospores will be created on the nasal implant.
the ceremony
Wear the implant and proceed to the 15min ceremony.
why microhack ?
We constantly interact with microorganisms, shielding away nefarious ones. Our modern lifestyle is the source of the decadence of the living world and of our bodies.  If the future of health is to live without disease, will we use pathogens to demonstrate our political beliefs?
the method
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis infects carpenter ants by taking control of their nervous system to influence their movements. This enables the fungus to spread over a larger area. By creating a synthetic organ working with the fungus, the biohacker are able to influence their movements and help the fungus propagate.
the speculation
The human body has always been a vector for political statements. The rise of wearable  biotechnological devices open up a new area to subvert control and the normal functioning body.
the object
The Microhack implant is embedded with the ascospores of the fungi. When worn, the implant becomes functional. The wearer uses it’s own body to power the device, by breathing in and breathing out.
in gut we trust
told by marion lasserre
explore the other tribes
Future women empowerment
Tomorrow’s transhumanists